Another year is coming to a close and I wanted to take a moment to review the past year to see if I accomplished any of my goals.
Review of my Audacious 2016 Goals
- Change the World
- Change a Community
- Save a Life
- Save a Soul
- Payoff all debt
- Write a book
- Get a professional acting gig
- Redeem the Real Estate industry from its negative reputation
- Get featured in some form of print media
- Inspire one person each day to Go Big or Go Home
Ok, so obviously not all of these goals are realistic, and not all of them are tangible, but it’s the thought that counts. I did manage to write my first e-book (you can get it for free here), and I am currently compiling more content to produce my first printed book.
Over the course of the year I wrote over 30 blog posts and recorded over 40 podcasts.
Here’s a brief highlight of some of favorites for you to review:
Pursuing Your Dream Means Saying Goodbye to Lesser Pursuits
Why I No Longer Beg for Business
Episode 20 – “What Are You Waiting For? JUST DO IT!” | Prioritization vs. Procrastination
Episode 27 – Dominating Through Differentiation w/ George Bruno, The Sultan of Silver
Episode 38 – Take Ownership or Stop Complaining!
Episode 44 – The Return of Wheezy McGee
Episode 49 – The Acting Realtor
I also got my first professional acting gig back in the spring and have since secured several more. And although I didn’t get hired by Sight & Sound for the 2nd year in a row, I continue to pursue my passion of one day performing professionally on a fulltime basis.

This year I ran in my first (and probably only) 5k and lost a total of 25 lbs (10 of which I just put back on thanks to the holidays).
In April, I launched the Real Person | Real Needs partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Together We Rise, and Bethany Villa, and donated nearly $3000 to support those in need.
Conversely, I also suffered a lot of growing pains (both figurative and physical) this year in life and business. It wasn’t always pretty and I don’t want you to think I always paint it that way. All you have to do is go back and listen to episodes 18, 24 & 25 of the podcast, and read a few blog posts to acquaint yourself with some of the lows of 2016.
I had to make the difficult decision to part ways with the church-plant I’d been a part of for over two years over some differences and concerns that I could not ignore. I also faced a lot of personal and professional rejection in both my business and my theatrical pursuits.
But that is par for the course. When you look back over the course of an entire year, there should be ebbs and flows. Life does not always trend upward. But in light of this year, I plan on taking the good with the bad and learning the lessons I need to learn in order to better my situation in 2017. I recently revisited a blog post from this time last year called “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” and the message still rings true, especially as a New Year begins.
So with all of that in mind, I am starting my list of #BigHairyAudaciousGoals for 2017:
- Change the World
- Impact My Community
- Perform at Sight & Sound
- Payoff all debt
- Donate $10,000 to my Real Person | Real Needs partners
- Publish my first printed book
- Perform for a well-known Regional Theater
- Reach my goal weight
- Get on TV
- Be featured in an article of a well-known media outlet
Some of these goals are silly, moonshot goals but I believe it is helpful to articulate them no matter how ridiculous. Many of these goals are also somewhat beyond my control but I am choosing to aim high and trust God to do what it best for me and family in the end.
I hope you will take a moment to write down some goals for yourself for 2017. Hopefully, you will get in touch with me and I can be a support to you as you navigate this crazy world and try to accomplish them in the coming year. In any event, I pray that you have an incredibly memorable year and that this time next year you will be able to look back and see how much we have all grown.
God bless and Godspeed to you on your journey,