Month: July 2023

#TBT Theatre Highlights from “Beauty & the Beast” (2018)

This week’s #TBT, takes us to another Disney production. This time with me as the French Candelabra “Lumiere” in MCT’s 2018 production of Beauty & the Beast.

#TBT Theatre Highlights from “The Little Mermaid” (2017)

This week’s #TBT features one of the most challenging roles I’ve ever done from a mental standpoint. I was going through a very rough time both personally and professionally heading into this production. In fact, I wrote a few blog posts around this time documenting my struggles which you can read here and here. Thankfully, …

#TBT Theatre Highlights from “EVITA” (2016)

This week’s #TBT, we will take an abbreviated look at my first turn as Che in MCT’s 2016 production of “EVITA.” Since I’ve played this role twice, we will take a longer look in a few weeks since it was my final role before beginning my career at Sight & Sound.