As many of you know, I’m performing in my first cabaret on Valentine’s Day. That is only one week from today! I’m getting really nervous and don’t want to fall flat on my face. So far I have 17 guests who have confirmed their attendance however I am not naive and realize that a few …
One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …
The ominous feeling of storm clouds moving in paints a pretty decent picture of what life can feel like when you are pursuing your dream. Sometimes it can feel like the entire world is operating in cahoots in order to prevent you from moving forward. But not today. I woke up this morning feeling positive. Now …
In my last post, I described the nightmare that was my first dinner theater performance. I left you with the thought that nightmares come with the territory and it is important that we use those experiences to improve. Thankfully, I was able to rebound the following night with a solid performance, which was enormously important for my …
We have all had that experience. When you are preparing for something big, whether it be a performance, a presentation at work or school, you have nightmares of the absolute worst case scenario. You wake up in a cold sweat, thankful it was only a dream. For a performer, it often involves forgetting all of …
Well, this new documentary-style format of the podcast, while much more engaging, has also proven to be a lot more time consuming in preparation and production. I apologize for the delay. Hopefully the latest episode will be ready by tomorrow so hang in there. In the meantime, I encourage you to get caught up on …
It happens without fail. The minute my wife sees an older man who is a veteran, she wells up with tears. And while it can be humorous at times because of its uncontrollable nature, I sometimes wish that more people had the same reaction. In the days after this election season, I’ve seen many people …