Over the next couple of weeks we will be sharing short chapters from #ActingRealtor and host Geoff Desiato’s audiobook, “Real Person | Real Needs.” As we move into the spring, we wanted to include this information in our podcast feed for anyone in the Spring-Ford area who may be considering selling their home in 2020. Let us know what you think.
Introduction Summary: When I got into the real estate business, it was because I wanted to help people while being true to myself. But it didn’t take long for me to see that my way of thinking doesn’t necessarily jell with the industry at large. In case you haven’t noticed, the Real Estate industry “gurus” try their best to create cookie-cutter agents who go with the flow and do things the same way as everyone else. But I refuse to let them make a typical “realtor” out of me. I dare to be different.