As many of you know, I’m performing in my first cabaret on Valentine’s Day. That is only one week from today! I’m getting really nervous and don’t want to fall flat on my face. So far I have 17 guests who have confirmed their attendance however I am not naive and realize that a few …
Some people woke up this morning to the news that somehow, some way, Tom Brady pulled off the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history. Those same people no doubt saw that the Falcons had the game well in hand with the score 28-3 in the 3rd quarter, and either went to bed, or changed the …
Over the course of the last few months, my younger son has developed a fear of everything. And I mean everything. The problem is that I have no idea how to help him because it’s all in his head. It’s been difficult, but we’ve done our best to keep our kids shielded from many of the …
One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …
I’ve really been slacking on getting this blog posted regularly. My goal for 2017 was to blog every day, Monday-Friday. So much for that. In my defense, last week was a blur due to the unknown possibility of going to work for Sight & Sound. I had decided to keep it quiet until I knew …
It’s been over a week since my last blog post. For that I’m sorry. This last week has been insane on many levels and hopefully I’ll have a little more clarity in the coming days. But for now, I wanted to take a minute to wish my Mom a happy birthday. She raised me and my …
January 17, 2015 was my first official day of self-employment. Or as I like to call it, the first day of the rest of my life. That means that today officially marks the beginning of my 3rd year as a licensed real estate professional. That’s right, after over three years of working in real estate …
The ominous feeling of storm clouds moving in paints a pretty decent picture of what life can feel like when you are pursuing your dream. Sometimes it can feel like the entire world is operating in cahoots in order to prevent you from moving forward. But not today. I woke up this morning feeling positive. Now …
God has a sense of humor. I know this because I am a parent. And as a parent I find that many of the life lessons and “pearls of wisdom” I try to impart to my children would mean a lot more if I heeded them first. Hard Things for an Adult I woke up …
“I can’t wait to get back to work!” I never believed in my life that I would utter those words. That was because up until two years ago, I never really liked working. Who does, really? But as I sat around during the holidays, taking a much needed siesta from my self-employed life, I developed …
Another year is coming to a close and I wanted to take a moment to review the past year to see if I accomplished any of my goals. Review of my Audacious 2016 Goals Change the World Change a Community Save a Life Save a Soul Payoff all debt Write a book Get a professional …
It’s truly incredible how your mood can fluctuate on a daily, even hourly, basis. Just a few days ago I was extremely motivated to get 2017 started off on the right foot. I had some ideas and was excited to implement them. And now here I sit, filled with dread and anxiety as the prospect of …
There are two weeks left in the year and 2017 is already starting to take shape. I was able to help some clients go under contract on their first home that is due to settle in January and I also secured two paid acting gigs to start out the year. I also am performing in …
On this date, December 9th, two years ago, the entire course of my life changed. For three and half years I had been in a cubicle wondering if Corporate America was really where I would be for the rest of my life. The thought kept me in bed most mornings. During that time I had …
In my last post, I described the nightmare that was my first dinner theater performance. I left you with the thought that nightmares come with the territory and it is important that we use those experiences to improve. Thankfully, I was able to rebound the following night with a solid performance, which was enormously important for my …
We have all had that experience. When you are preparing for something big, whether it be a performance, a presentation at work or school, you have nightmares of the absolute worst case scenario. You wake up in a cold sweat, thankful it was only a dream. For a performer, it often involves forgetting all of …
Well, this new documentary-style format of the podcast, while much more engaging, has also proven to be a lot more time consuming in preparation and production. I apologize for the delay. Hopefully the latest episode will be ready by tomorrow so hang in there. In the meantime, I encourage you to get caught up on …
One of the most difficult things about being in a show is seeing it come to an end. Three months of hard work and preparation wrapped up in six exhilarating performances. But once the show ends it creates a vacuum of creative energy. This week has been that for me. It has also been a great …
It happens without fail. The minute my wife sees an older man who is a veteran, she wells up with tears. And while it can be humorous at times because of its uncontrollable nature, I sometimes wish that more people had the same reaction. In the days after this election season, I’ve seen many people …
“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” – Mick Jagger Too soon? Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But the way 50% of this country currently feels about the election is how I am tempted to feel this morning about pursuing my dream. …