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In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, local realtor and actor, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Eric Paster, AKA The Royersford Dentist. Eric shares his personal journey into dentistry and how a tragic loss led him to form a non-profit called Rachel’s Helping Hands to help families affected by cancer.For more information visit the links below:
Homehttps://www.facebook.com/theroyersforddentist/ For more information about The Rachel Paster Helping Hands Cancer Foundation and their upcoming event Rachel’s Helping Hands 5K & 1 Mile Walk on October 21st, visit http://www.rachelshelpinghands.org If you enjoy Discover SPRINGFORD, be sure to subscribe to the following channels so that you don’t miss an episode: Subscribe to the podcast on any podcast app. Subscribe on YouTube http://tv.discoverspringford.com Subscribe on FB Watch http://www.facebook.com/watch/discoverspringford Join our Facebook community http://www.facebook.com/groups/discoverspringford Sign up for our newsletter http://join.discoverspringford.com