Today, is my son’s 9th birthday. Hard to believe that he has grown so quickly and that he has been in my life for that long. He is incredibly smart and kind and quirky and he has dope glasses. Happy Birthday JESSE! I know that being a father is one of the ways that God chooses to teach me a few lessons that I otherwise would be too stubborn to learn on my own. In this episode, I use my younger son’s recent struggles with fear to discuss how we need to redefine our fear so that it is a catalyst rather a crutch. I also comment on how contentment in life is both alluring and elusive for someone like me, and how sports can be a great teacher of life lessons.
00:00-02:15 Happy Birthday, Jesse and No Paid Sick Days
02:16-07:16 Using Fear as a Catalyst Instead of A Crutch
07:17-12:25 The Allure and Elusiveness of Contentment and a plug for the JUMPSTART! Video Series
12:26-17:52 Super Bowl LI, Tom Brady and Why It’s Never Too Late for A Comeback
17:53-19:14 Housekeeping and Outro