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After months of deliberation, and several short hiatuses (including right now), I’ve made the decision to retitle and rebrand my podcast. The “Real Person | Real Needs” podcast will now be known as “The Acting Realtor” podcast.
Don’t worry you don’t have to update your feeds or podcast apps.
The first 42 episodes of my podcasting career were basically me finding my footing and exploring this new (to me anyway) world of podcasting. But as I’ve grown and learned more about the medium, it seemed that the title just didn’t fit the content of the show. In other words, I began to feel that I was not branded appropriately for my target audience.
The content has always come from the same place; however starting at episode 43, I began to focus more on creating an audio diary of my life as a young husband, father, and realtor trying to “make it” as a performer, while still providing for my family.
The new subtitle sort of explains it all. “The Dangerous & Delicate Balancing Act Between Your Dream Job & Your Day Job.”
And with my real estate business starting a new phase (Discover Springford), it seemed like it was time to make a change with my first podcast. #RealPersonRealNeeds has been a guiding light for me through many a dark and unforeseen circumstance, and making this change will no doubt lead the podcast in a different direction even though the content won’t really change.
I’m happy to announce however that the #RealPersonRealNeeds moniker will live on as the name of my growing podcast network. Stay tuned for news and updates about the RealPersonRealNeeds Podcast Network, which will now have 5 original podcasts for a variety of audiences.
For all of my faithful listeners, I ask that you stay tuned in. I truly appreciate your support these last 20 months or so. I truly feel that the new title and subtitle will attract the right listeners who are looking for support in pursuing their dream job while still holding down their day job.
I’m excited to see where things continue to grow from here.
Thank you and Godspeed,