Archives: Episode

AR085: “Things Are Looking Up” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR085: "Things Are Looking Up" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, things seem to be moving in a positive direction on a number of fronts, even if the elites and “experts” try to claim otherwise. My wife and I payoff all of our debt, refinance our mortgage, and I also get a chance to see my son perform in a …

Acting Realtor TV 084: Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, after a year of “experts” telling us that testing is only capturing 10-25% of all actual cases (the CDC has said anywhere from 8-13x as many cases as confirmed, the WHO as many as 20x), and saying that 40-80% of infections lead to mild and no symptoms (which means …

AR084: “Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR084: "Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, after a year of “experts” telling us that testing is only capturing 10-25% of all actual cases (the CDC has said anywhere from 8-13x as many cases as confirmed, the WHO as many as 20x), and saying that 40-80% of infections lead to mild and no symptoms (which means …

AR083: “Facts Trump Fear” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR083: "Facts Trump Fear" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I prepare for the reopening of Queen Esther, celebrate my son’s birthday and a rare real estate settlement, while also trying to spread the good news of a 77% drop in COVID cases in the last 6 weeks, as the mainstream media continues to peddle fear and hysteria. Sign …

Acting Realtor TV 082: Silencing Dissent

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I return to work to begin rehearsals for Queen Esther 2021, I also celebrate the steep decline in new cases and hospitalizations (which is not being covered by the mainstream media) that began prior to Inauguration Day, and #CancelCulture comes for me as I have my Mailchimp account suspended. …

AR082: “Silencing Dissent” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR082: "Silencing Dissent" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I return to work to begin rehearsals for Queen Esther 2021, I also celebrate the steep decline in new cases and hospitalizations (which is not being covered by the mainstream media) that began prior to Inauguration Day, and #CancelCulture comes for me as I have my Mailchimp account suspended. …

Acting Realtor TV 081: Another Deep Dive

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I continue with my deep dives into the COVID data, as well as the ongoing demonization of conservatives, while my family and I take our rescheduled Christmas trip to Great Wolf Lodge. Subscribe to my newsletter Here are some interesting articles: ON FREE SPEECH ON COVID …

AR081: “Another Deep Dive” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR081: "Another Deep Dive" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, I continue with my deep dives into the COVID data, as well as the ongoing demonization of conservatives, while my family and I take our rescheduled Christmas trip to Great Wolf Lodge. Subscribe to my newsletter Here are some interesting articles:

Acting Realtor TV 080: 2021 or 1984?

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, we finally say goodbye to 2020 only to find 2021 asking us to “hold its beer.” I discuss the disappearance of the Flu based on the CDC’s numbers, January 6th, big tech censorship, cancellation, and how UNITY now means “change your beliefs or be disappeared.” Subscribe to the podcast …

AR080: “2021 or 1984?” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR080: "2021 or 1984?" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, we finally say goodbye to 2020 only to find 2021 asking us to “hold its beer.” I discuss the disappearance of the Flu based on the CDC’s numbers, January 6th, big tech censorship, cancellation, and how UNITY now means “change your beliefs or be disappeared.” Subscribe to the …

Acting Realtor TV 079: The Most Wonderful Time of the Least Wonderful Year

In the final episode of the #ActingRealtor for 2020, I celebrate my birthday by learning that I will be losing my job again. The family and I enjoy the holiday season with some sledding and Christmas cheer amidst my ongoing rants about COVID and politics. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor podcast and Newsletter To help …

AR079: “The Most Wonderful Time of the Least Wonderful Year” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR079: "The Most Wonderful Time of the Least Wonderful Year" (Podcast Version)

In the final episode of the #ActingRealtor for 2020, I celebrate my birthday by learning that I will be losing my job again. The family and I enjoy the holiday season with some sledding and Christmas cheer amidst my ongoing rants about COVID and politics. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor podcast and Newsletter To …

Acting Realtor TV 078: Breaking Rules & Closing Schools

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, I enjoy a wonderful and civilly disobedient Thanksgiving with my family and we all miraculously survive. I also discuss how science is being completely ignored by politicians and teachers’ unions who are holding parents and school boards hostage, and harming the very children they are supposed to be …

AR078: “Breaking Rules & Closing Schools” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR078: "Breaking Rules & Closing Schools" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, I enjoy a wonderful and civilly disobedient Thanksgiving with my family and we all miraculously survive. I also discuss how science is being completely ignored by politicians and teachers’ unions who are holding parents and school boards hostage, and harming the very children they are supposed to be …

AR077: “The Breaking Point” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR077: "The Breaking Point" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, I take on a second job driving for Door Dash to help pay for Christmas and payoff some credit card debt. And after 8 long months of being told how to behave by tyrannical “experts” I finally reach my breaking point. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor Podcast on …

Acting Realtor TV 076: Divided by Labels

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I share my thoughts on the political divide we are facing regardless of the election results, and how the media keeps people divided by labeling them and spreading fear since it makes for more viewers and more money. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor Podcast on any podcast app and …

AR076: “Divided by Labels” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR076: "Divided by Labels" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, I share my thoughts on the political divide we are facing regardless of the election results, and how the media keeps people divided by labeling them and spreading fear since it makes for more viewers and more money. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor Podcast on any podcast app …