Archives: Episode

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 005: w/ special guest Russell Joy

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 005: w/ special guest Russell Joy

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes Schuylkill County native and Royersford transplant Russell Joy. Russell works as a teacher by day, and credentialed sports journalist and podcaster for the Crossing Broad network by night. Russell shares his life story as well as his love for Philadelphia sports and professional wrestling. …

Acting Realtor TV 067: Descent into Madness

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, my frustration continues to mount as we stay under lock-down, as projection after projection is proven to be wildly exaggerated. I also find out that I will not be eligible for PA Unemployment, though thankfully I have been able to receive the federal money provided by the CARES Act. …

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 004: w/ special guest Mark Shumaker

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 004: w/ special guest Mark Shumaker

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes Mark Shumaker. Mark is a Linfield, PA resident and the owner of Anchor Court properties in the Riverwalk at Royersford Borough. He’s also a business partner of Birdies Kitchen in Spring City Borough as well as an active participant in the Save The Trestle …

AR066: “The Neverending Story” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR066: "The Neverending Story" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, it is more of the same with no end in sight as I try to stay sane in the midst of stay-at-home orders while trying to get answers from the State of Pennsylvania in regards to my unemployment compensation. I also share some of my thoughts on the fearmongering …

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 003: w/ special guest Alex Metricarti

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 003: w/ special guest Alex Metricarti

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato chats with Royersford Borough Councilwoman Alex Metricarti. Alex currently serves as Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer for Living Branches retirement community in the Lansdale area. She shared her story of growing up on a farm in Michigan, what led her to Royersford and how …

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 002: w/ special guest Brad Sinrod

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 002: w/ special guest Brad Sinrod

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes entrepreneur and Main Street Royersford and RoyersfordApartments property owner Brad Sinrod. Brad shared his experience in investing in Main Streets before, what initially attracted him to Royersford, and why he sees exciting opportunities for growth and revitalization in the “twin boroughs.” If you …

Acting Realtor TV 065: The Great Outdoors

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, my family and I tackle some outdoor maintenance projects while also enjoying the beautiful weather and celebrating Easter. I also begin a new side project called #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, take my kids to visit my Mom on her balcony, and I share some updates on my unemployment as well as my …

AR065: “The Great Outdoors” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR065: "The Great Outdoors" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, my family and I tackle some outdoor maintenance projects while also enjoying the beautiful weather and celebrating Easter. I also begin a new side project called #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, take my kids to visit my Mom on her balcony, and I share some updates on my unemployment as well as my …

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 001: w/ special guest Gary Brown

#HumansOfSPRINGFORD 001: w/ special guest Gary Brown

Join me for the inaugural #HumansOfSPRINGFORD with my friend and Spring City Borough resident Gary Brown. Gary and I met at the Spring-Ford Rotary Club visitor’s luncheon a few years back. Gary works for Revamp 365 as a creative problem solver and matchmaker for real estate investors and people who own distressed properties. He and his wife …

Acting Realtor TV 064: The New Normal

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, my kids get me to try Fortnite for the first time, I also finally find some toilet paper. I keep myself entertained by performing a livestream concert of all originals from my days in The No Longer, share a story for a local interest contest called “Royersford Memorable Minutes,” …

AR064: “The New Normal” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR064: "The New Normal" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor podcast, my kids get me to try Fortnite for the first time, I also finally find some toilet paper. I keep myself entertained by performing a livestream concert of all originals from my days in The No Longer, share a story for a local interest contest called “Royersford Memorable …

S03Ep14: Beth Ann Schwartz & Megan Hallman of Beth Ann’s Flowers

S03Ep14: Beth Ann Schwartz & Megan Hallman of Beth Ann's Flowers

In the Discover SPRINGFORD Season 3 Finale, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Beth Ann Schwartz & Megan Hallman, the mother-daughter team behind the long-time Royersford-staple, Beth Ann’s Flowers. Beth Ann shares her personal journey of growing up in Royersford, discovering her love for the scientific side of all things flora, and how …

AR063: “Social Distancing- Week 1” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR063: "Social Distancing- Week 1" (Podcast Version)

It’s times like these that I realize how important it is for my family legacy that I document my life. As a society we are facing something that we hoped we’d only see in the movies. None of us know what to expect when we wake up each day. In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, …

Season 3 Podcast Update in light of COVID-19 Outbreak

Season 3 Podcast Update in light of COVID-19 Outbreak

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak we have made the decision to shut down production on Season 3 of Discover SPRINGFORD. Our previously recorded podcast with Beth Ann’s Flowers, currently scheduled for Monday, April 6th, will be the final episode of Season 3. We cannot wait to bring more quality content to you in our …

S03Ep13: Ed & Sherrie Schoen of Signature Gallery

S03Ep13: Ed & Sherrie Schoen of Signature Gallery

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Ed & Sherrie Schoen, the husband & wife team behind Signature Gallery in Royersford Borough. Ed & Sherrie discuss how they first fell in love with woodworking and antiques (and each other), and how that ultimately led them to …

EMERGENCY POD: Unemployment, Uncertainty, and Unexplainable Peace in the face of COVID-19

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
EMERGENCY POD: Unemployment, Uncertainty, and Unexplainable Peace in the face of COVID-19

Hi everyone, I found out last night that due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I, along with almost all of my colleagues, will be placed on indefinite furlough from my job (unemployment with intent to return) at Sight & Sound, effective March 29th. Unfortunately, there is no work from home option for a performer (LOL) and no …

Wait… isn’t this guy just a Realtor? (RPRN Audiobook Ch. 10)

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
Wait... isn't this guy just a Realtor? (RPRN Audiobook Ch. 10)

AT THIS POINT, YOU MAY BE THINKING, “WAIT…ISN’T THIS GUY JUST A REALTOR?” I hear you. These ideas may seem crazy to some. That is why I am so thankful for those who have supported me and my business. While my approach may be unconventional at times, I truly believe in building a community of …

BONUS: Wait… isn’t this guy just a Realtor? (RPRN Audiobook Ch. 10)

BONUS: Wait... isn't this guy just a Realtor? (RPRN Audiobook Ch. 10)

AT THIS POINT, YOU MAY BE THINKING, “WAIT…ISN’T THIS GUY JUST A REALTOR?” I hear you. These ideas may seem crazy to some. That is why I am so thankful for those who have supported me and my business. While my approach may be unconventional at times, I truly believe in building a community of …