Up ’til now I have tried my best to encourage you to take some baby steps toward pursuing your dream. I’ve allowed you to examine my life in a rather voyeuristic manner as I share story after story of my mistakes and failures. I’m pretty open about my struggles when asked, and sometimes even when …
Podcast: Jumpstart
Over the last few weeks, I’ve mainly focused on our own internal struggles and insecurities that keep us from taking the necessary steps to better our situation. Our past failures, fear, and overall self-doubt make up just some of the voices that swirl around inside our head and keep our feet nailed to the floor. These voices must be silenced …
In the last podcast, I ranted and raved about the importance of educating yourself beyond (and maybe even in place of) formal education. The number one way we can educate ourselves is to stimulate our brain by reading. And I don’t mean reading your News Feed or click-bait articles. I mean good old-fashioned books.
These videos are designed to encourage you to discover why it is that you were put on this earth and how you are uniquely positioned to change the world. By taking you through my own personal journey, my goal is to motivate you to identify the current trajectory of your life and course-correct as needed …

Up ’til now I have tried my best to encourage you to take some baby steps toward pursuing your dream. I’ve allowed you to examine my life in a rather voyeuristic manner as I share story after story of my mistakes and failures. I’m pretty open about my struggles when asked, and sometimes even when …

Over the last few weeks, I’ve mainly focused on our own internal struggles and insecurities that keep us from taking the necessary steps to better our situation. Our past failures, fear, and overall self-doubt make up just some of the voices that swirl around inside our head and keep our feet nailed to the floor. These voices must be silenced …

In the last podcast, I ranted and raved about the importance of educating yourself beyond (and maybe even in place of) formal education. The number one way we can educate ourselves is to stimulate our brain by reading. And I don’t mean reading your News Feed or click-bait articles. I mean good old fashioned books. …