Podcast: The Geoff Desiato Show

JUMPSTART! Chapter 12: Taking Ownership of Your Outcomes and Forfeiting Your Right to Complain (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 12: Taking Ownership of Your Outcomes and Forfeiting Your Right to Complain (Audio Only)

Up ’til now I have tried my best to encourage you to take some baby steps toward pursuing your dream. I’ve allowed you to examine my life in a rather voyeuristic manner as I share story after story of my mistakes and failures. I’m pretty open about my struggles when asked, and sometimes even when …

AR011: “The Snow Must Go On” (Podcast Version)

The Snow Must Go On
Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR011: "The Snow Must Go On" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I catch you up on my real estate progress, and take you to Quakertown with me for an Adam’s Fear gig during Daylight Saving Time. I also book 15 gigs for the second half of 2018, and go to the grocery store during a snowstorm. Riveting!

JUMPSTART! Chapter 11: Surrounding Yourself with the Right People (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 11: Surrounding Yourself with the Right People (Audio Only)

Over the last few weeks, I’ve mainly focused on our own internal struggles and insecurities that keep us from taking the necessary steps to better our situation. Our past failures, fear, and overall self-doubt make up just some of the voices that swirl around inside our head and keep our feet nailed to the floor. These voices must be silenced …

JUMPSTART! Chapter 10: Defeating Procrastination Through Prioritization (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 10: Defeating Procrastination Through Prioritization (Audio Only)

I should’ve known that when I decided to discuss the topic of procrastination, that I would do just that – procrastinate. When I sat down to write the copy for this video, I found myself finding every excuse not to do it. I also struggled to focus on what I wanted to say. And that’s …

JUMPSTART! Chapter 09: Tackling the 900lb Gorilla of Self-Doubt (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 09: Tackling the 900lb Gorilla of Self-Doubt (Audio Only)

It takes a lot of gumption to jump-start your life after years of being stuck in the mundane. No doubt that’s why a lot of us have, at one time or another, chosen to stay put in jobs or circumstances that were less than ideal. Many of us have battled with our own limited perception of …

AR010: “Friends & Flus” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
AR010: "Friends & Flus" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the Acting Realtor podcast, some of my planned performances get derailed by inclement weather and miscommunication. Our household sanity nearly gets derailed when my wife succumbs to the flu and I try not to get it while attempting to somehow fill my her incredibly organized shoes.

JUMPSTART! Chapter 08: Cultivating A Passion For Reading (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 08: Cultivating A Passion For Reading (Audio Only)

In the last podcast, I ranted and raved about the importance of educating yourself beyond (and maybe even in place of) formal education. The number one way we can educate ourselves is to stimulate our brain by reading. And I don’t mean reading your News Feed or click-bait articles. I mean good old fashioned books. …

“WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!" (Podcast Version)

The podcast version of Acting Realtor TV episode 9. In this episode, I conclude my commitment to Philly Senior Stage. I also open my next show at Facetime Theatre in Phoenixville and take my sons to the Philly Auto Show. Finally, I celebrate the incredible moment of watching my hometown Philadelphia Eagles win their first …

JUMPSTART! Chapter 07: Finding New Ways to Educate Yourself (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 07: Finding New Ways to Educate Yourself (Audio Only)

By now you probably know that I didn’t go to college. The older I get the more I realize that that may not be such a bad thing. And here’s why… If I were to ask you to think of a friend or family member who went to college, started and finished with the same major, …

Acting Realtor TV 009: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

In this episode of Acting Realtor TV, I conclude my commitment to Philly Senior Stage. I also open my next show at Facetime Theatre in Phoenixville and take my sons to the Philly Auto Show. Finally, I celebrate the incredible moment of watching my hometown Philadelphia Eagles win their first Superbowl in franchise history and …

JUMPSTART! Chapter 06: Using Fear As A Catalyst Rather Than A Crutch (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 06: Using Fear As A Catalyst Rather Than A Crutch (Audio Only)

I HATE FEAR. More accurately, I hate what fear does to people. It makes us irrational. Fear is a cycle that allows us to stay stuck in our wrong frame of mind. It’s an emotional state that cripples us from making right choices. When we are afraid, that is the only thing we can think …

JUMPSTART! Chapter 05: The Importance of Developing Your Own Morning Ritual (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 05: The Importance of Developing Your Own Morning Ritual (Audio Only)

“I would have it inscribed on the curtains of your bed and the walls of your chamber: ‘If you do not rise early you can make progress in nothing.’” ~William Pitt Chatham “I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning.” ~ Johnathan Swift

JUMPSTART! Chapter 04: Saying Goodbye to Lesser Pursuits (Audio Only)

JUMPSTART! Chapter 04: Saying Goodbye to Lesser Pursuits (Audio Only)

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” — Helen Keller “One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on staying longer than the necessary …

“Last Minute Acting Gig | Supporting the Arts | Auditions & Adoptions” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
Geoffrey Desiato
"Last Minute Acting Gig | Supporting the Arts | Auditions & Adoptions" (Podcast Version)

The podcast version of Acting Realtor TV episodes 3, 4, & 5

Acting Realtor TV 008: Changes & Championship Games

In this episode, I make a major decision about my involvement in Titanic. I also begin the expedited rehearsal process for Into the Woods at FaceTime Theatre in Phoenixville. My family made a few fun videos over the weekend, I perform again with Adam’s Fear, and finally I get to bask in the glory of …