Podcast: The Geoff Desiato Show

AR091: “Circuses & Carnivals” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR091: "Circuses & Carnivals" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, we celebrate the end of the school year and begin our “Double Summer” to make up for last year’s mess. We visit some family, a traveling family circus, and a local carnival. I also share my thoughts on the latest news. Subscribe to the Acting Realtor newsletter https://subscribe.actingrealtor.com Here …

Acting Realtor TV 090: I’ve Just Seen a Face

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, the masks come off both figuratively and literally as we get closer to the truth of the origins of COVID, what our bureaucrats really knew, and what it means for everything we’ve been told over the past year. I also discuss the profound psychological effect of finally seeing people …

AR090: “I’ve Just Seen a Face” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR090: "I've Just Seen a Face" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, the masks come off both figuratively and literally as we get closer to the truth of the origins of COVID, what our bureaucrats really knew, and what it means for everything we’ve been told over the past year. I also discuss the profound psychological effect of finally seeing people …

AR089: “Let Your Voice Be Heard” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR089: "Let Your Voice Be Heard" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, my kids and I go the movies for the first time in a year and a half, I get yet another flat tire, and I enjoy their piano recital and school concert. Oh, and I keep spitting facts and data about COVID and American politics because I can’t help …

Acting Realtor TV 088: Dealing with Anger

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, although most of my life has returned to “normal,” the ongoing fear-mongering around COVID and seemingly endless misinformation from the overtly biased media force me to acknowledge a deep-seeded anger in my heart that must be dealt with. Subscribe to the podcast and newsletter https://subscribe.actingrealtor.com Here are some articles …

AR088: “Dealing with Anger” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR088: "Dealing with Anger" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, although most of my life has returned to “normal,” the ongoing fear-mongering around COVID and seemingly endless misinformation from the overtly biased media force me to acknowledge a deep-seeded anger in my heart that must be dealt with. Subscribe to the podcast and newsletter https://subscribe.actingrealtor.com Here are some articles for …

Acting Realtor TV 087: The Wheels Are Coming Off the Narrative

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I take my son indoor skydiving for his birthday gift, and I have some car issues which are the perfect analogy for what’s happening with repeated examples of the MSM and Big Tech being proven wrong on their narratives and yet they continue to double-down on their rhetoric and …

AR087: “The Wheels Are Coming Off the Narrative” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR087: "The Wheels Are Coming Off the Narrative" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I have some car issues which are the perfect analogy for what’s happening with repeated examples of the MSM and Big Tech being proven wrong on their narratives and yet they continue to double-down on their rhetoric and censorship. Here are a ton of resources for you: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1122354/covid-19-us-hospital-rate-by-age/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00170-5/fulltext …

Acting Realtor TV 086: Never Let the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I take a day trip with the family to Centralia, PA, get a haircut, have my email account reinstated, and discuss several recent examples where mainstream narrative outlets and “blue check marks” on Twitter embrace a narrative even though the facts disprove it. Subscribe to the podcast and newsletter …

AR086: “Never Let the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR086: "Never Let the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I take a day trip with the family to Centralia, PA, get a haircut, have my email account reinstated, and discuss several recent examples where mainstream narrative outlets and “blue check marks” on Twitter embrace a narrative even though the facts disprove it. Subscribe to the podcast and newsletter http://subscribe.actingrealtor.com …

AR085: “Things Are Looking Up” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR085: "Things Are Looking Up" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, things seem to be moving in a positive direction on a number of fronts, even if the elites and “experts” try to claim otherwise. My wife and I payoff all of our debt, refinance our mortgage, and I also get a chance to see my son perform in a …

Acting Realtor TV 084: Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, after a year of “experts” telling us that testing is only capturing 10-25% of all actual cases (the CDC has said anywhere from 8-13x as many cases as confirmed, the WHO as many as 20x), and saying that 40-80% of infections lead to mild and no symptoms (which means …

AR084: “Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR084: "Trust the Science but Ignore the Math?" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, after a year of “experts” telling us that testing is only capturing 10-25% of all actual cases (the CDC has said anywhere from 8-13x as many cases as confirmed, the WHO as many as 20x), and saying that 40-80% of infections lead to mild and no symptoms (which means …

AR083: “Facts Trump Fear” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR083: "Facts Trump Fear" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I prepare for the reopening of Queen Esther, celebrate my son’s birthday and a rare real estate settlement, while also trying to spread the good news of a 77% drop in COVID cases in the last 6 weeks, as the mainstream media continues to peddle fear and hysteria. Sign …

Acting Realtor TV 082: Silencing Dissent

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I return to work to begin rehearsals for Queen Esther 2021, I also celebrate the steep decline in new cases and hospitalizations (which is not being covered by the mainstream media) that began prior to Inauguration Day, and #CancelCulture comes for me as I have my Mailchimp account suspended. …

AR082: “Silencing Dissent” (Podcast Version)

Geoffrey Desiato
AR082: "Silencing Dissent" (Podcast Version)

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I return to work to begin rehearsals for Queen Esther 2021, I also celebrate the steep decline in new cases and hospitalizations (which is not being covered by the mainstream media) that began prior to Inauguration Day, and #CancelCulture comes for me as I have my Mailchimp account suspended. …

Acting Realtor TV 081: Another Deep Dive

In this episode of the #ActingRealtor, I continue with my deep dives into the COVID data, as well as the ongoing demonization of conservatives, while my family and I take our rescheduled Christmas trip to Great Wolf Lodge. Subscribe to my newsletter http://subscribe.actingrealtor.com Here are some interesting articles: ON FREE SPEECH https://reason.com/2021/01/23/journalists-are-authoritarians/ ON COVID https://redstate.com/michael_thau/2021/01/20/total-coincidence-alert-who-issues-new-c19-guidelines-requiring-2nd-test-for-symptom-less-on-day-biden-takes-office-n313400 https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/01/somethings_in_a_nosedive.html …