Yesterday while preparing dinner for my family, I received two phone calls with horrible news. Both of them real estate-related. One of which could have a devastating effect on my family directly. I can’t get into the details now, but let’s just say the information packed a pretty good combination of jab and right hook …
The ominous feeling of storm clouds moving in paints a pretty decent picture of what life can feel like when you are pursuing your dream. Sometimes it can feel like the entire world is operating in cahoots in order to prevent you from moving forward. But not today. I woke up this morning feeling positive. Now …

Starting a new venture is always exciting. There is nothing quite like the feeling of finally pursuing your dream. But the initial emotional reaction will dissipate and then you are faced with the obstacles and hardships that come with trying something that is hard. If turning your passion into your purpose was easy, then everyone would be doing it. It is when things get difficult that most people quit and go back to their mundane lives. But we will not quit. We will persist because when we look to the reward we see that it far outweighs the temporary pain of adversity.
“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill So these last few weeks have been…interesting. First off, my kids were sick for weeks, having passed various sicknesses back and forth, back and forth. Piles and piles of snotty tissues, vomit buckets, etc. You parents know the drill. Second, I totaled my car …

#RealPersonRealNeeds #Failure #Perseverance #Honesty “If you are going through hell, keep going.” ― Winston S. Churchill In this episode, we take an honest look at the difficult path to pursuing your dream, and how easily we can be distracted and discouraged. Geoff pulls back the curtain and shares some of his recent struggles in hopes of …