13 years ago I accepted the dare of a friend and asked out a young school teacher that I had been interested in from afar. She surprisingly agreed. THE REQUEST At the time, I was working as a gopher on the new construction of a performing arts wing at my church and she was teaching …

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” ― John Bunyan When pursuing your passion, you’d be surprised how self-centered you can become. We would never admit that but sadly, it’s true. It is one thing to talk a good game about being authentic and …

#RealPersonRealNeeds #ShabbyAttic #SecondChances In this episode, I sit down with Karin Wolfle, entrepreneur/artist behind The Shabby Attic in Lansdale, PA. Having left behind a career in the mental health field, Karin decided to pursue her love of fine arts by starting her own business. She soon realized that being an entrepreneur requires a little bit of “crazy,” and …

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” ― Aristotle In my short time in Real Estate I have seen a lot of people who do things the same way that they have always been done. Mainly, because that is what they have been taught from the time they got their license by coaches …
The Real Estate industry gurus try their best to create cookie-cutter agents who go with the flow and do things the same way as everyone else. It’s comfortable and safe and has worked for years. “Why make things harder for yourself? Stop trying to reinvent the wheel,” they say. “Make your cold-calls, knock on …

In this episode, I vamp on the idea of putting the REAL in real person. Authenticity and truth are your greatest weapon and your strongest attribute when trying to differentiate yourself from the competition. But forced authenticity is the exact opposite of authenticity. Be Yourself and live with the consequences. I’d rather be myself and sleep at night, than be what other people perceive as the model of success and professionalism.