There are moments as a father when you feel especially proud of your kids. It may be when they say their first word, or take their first step. Maybe it’s their first award in school, or the first time they stood up for what’s right in the face of peer pressure. These are all monumental …

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“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” ― Aristotle In my short time in Real Estate I have seen a lot of people who do things the same way that they have always been done. Mainly, because that is what they have been taught from the time they got their license by coaches …
The Real Estate industry gurus try their best to create cookie-cutter agents who go with the flow and do things the same way as everyone else. It’s comfortable and safe and has worked for years. “Why make things harder for yourself? Stop trying to reinvent the wheel,” they say. “Make your cold-calls, knock on …