The podcast is reaching its first birthday and to celebrate I wanted to take a moment to discuss my business philosophy, the contrarian approach I take in a sales-driven industry, and overcoming loneliness as an entrepreneur.
The podcast is reaching its first birthday and to celebrate I wanted to take a moment to discuss my business philosophy, the contrarian approach I take in a sales-driven industry, and overcoming loneliness as an entrepreneur.
This time last year I made a fundamental shift in the way I do business. I decided to stop begging people. Most people in sales-driven industries don’t call it begging. They don’t like the negative connotations. What I was told when I got into Real Estate is that you need to spend two hours a …
The Real Estate industry gurus try their best to create cookie-cutter agents who go with the flow and do things the same way as everyone else. It’s comfortable and safe and has worked for years. “Why make things harder for yourself? Stop trying to reinvent the wheel,” they say. “Make your cold-calls, knock on …
Watch the latest video “Confessions of a Beleaguered Cold-caller” Remember that time when I called ADELE to beg for business? Geoff Desiato shares some of his cold-calling horror stories and also calls on some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities to get his message out there! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! From all of us at Desiato Homes (me and …