It’s been over a week since my last blog post. For that I’m sorry. This last week has been insane on many levels and hopefully I’ll have a little more clarity in the coming days. But for now, I wanted to take a minute to wish my Mom a happy birthday. She raised me and my …
We have all had that experience. When you are preparing for something big, whether it be a performance, a presentation at work or school, you have nightmares of the absolute worst case scenario. You wake up in a cold sweat, thankful it was only a dream. For a performer, it often involves forgetting all of …

“Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.” — Paulo Coelho #RealPersonRealNeeds #SayGoodbye2LesserPursuits I am good at saying HELLO. I like to start things, but oftentimes, I start too many things. At one point in my life, I was a document management associate, aspiring musician, writer, …

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
― Pablo Picasso
Everyone has the desire to do something big – maybe a dream to be realized. Everyone also has the same 24-hour day and yet one of the biggest excuses people make is that they don’t have the time to pursue their dream and still keep their day job. Dreams require hard work. They require a dedication of our “3 Ts,” our time, talent, and maybe even our treasure. We are happy to use the “3 Ts” on things that have no positive or lasting effect in our own life or in the lives of others, but if we want to make our dreams a reality, we first need to get our priorities in order. First things first, WE NEED TO GET STARTED!

I often say to people that I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. They laugh, I laugh, we laugh together. They tell me I’m funny. I deflect the praise and then graciously accept it in my slyly humble way. But in reality, I am DEAD serious. I truly believe that there should be a healthy bit of Peter Pan in all of us. And no, I don’t mean the brand of peanut butter. I’m allergic to peanut butter so having a little bit of that “Peter Pan” in me would have my wife racing for my EpiPen®. I’m talking about the boy who could fly and refused to grow up. I don’t mean we should be immature, but we should be willing to look up at the moon and think that we could one day walk on the face of it.

We often romanticize what it means to “Find Your Purpose” as though it were something you can only hope to achieve in the unseen future. Unfortunately having this perspective often paralyzes us and leads us into hopelessness. It is better that we begin living with purpose in the everyday rather than daydream about some mystical “purpose” we’ve yet to grasp. Live deliberately, live intentionally. It is when we identify the purpose of the mundane that we are better equipped when we finally realize our dream. The long road to purpose and meaning can only be trod with purposeful steps.

I wanted to give you a glimpse into my life and work experiences so that you have an idea as to why I decided to forego the comfort and peace of mind of a steady, albeit average, paycheck, to start my own business. In other words, I want to take you inside the mind of a crazy person. I mean seriously, what drives someone to that level of insanity? Going from getting paid every two weeks like clockwork to bungee-jumping without a cord?
Well, I’ll tell you…and hopefully, you will be able to relate to me and my story when you’ve finished listening…
*PLEASE READ. CONTENTS MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE (it certainly did mine)* So a while back I decided to make an announcement that would make the utilization of the Pretzel Bun look like the worst idea in the history of burger construction. But before I revisit that, I wanted to give you a glimpse into my life …
Hello, You may not even know me or how you came across the following message. Well, the truth is I’m not entirely sure myself. Please read my apology below: I am sorry for sending the typical Real Estate marketing white noise over the past year. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any nonsensical emails that …