I am not a crying man. The only emotion that people typically see from me is anger. But today, I am reminded of a time when I was brought to tears. The year was 2006 and at the time I was working for a church in youth ministry but was living in secret sin. I …
One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …
I learned something about myself last night. Something I never would’ve admitted unless it hadn’t smacked me in the face. When it comes to my job, I’ve begun to lose sight of what really matters. Let me explain… Before I started my journey into entrepreneurship, I was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of what it would be like …

So I decided to let you in on a little secret. Something I shouldn’t tell you as someone who makes a living helping people buy/sell houses.
My family and I just moved a few weeks ago. So what? Big Deal. Everybody moves. New Beginnings. New Seasons. Blah blah blah old cliche after old cliche.
But the truth is, Moving sucks.
Especially when your move is not YOUR move.
What do I mean by that? I mean, when it is ultimately brought on by circumstances beyond your control. Moving has always been hard but typically the emotional and psychological pain is dulled by the excitement of moving on to bigger and better things.
This move has had a profound effect on me. It has caused me to really take a hard look at my life and career…