On this date, December 9th, two years ago, the entire course of my life changed. For three and half years I had been in a cubicle wondering if Corporate America was really where I would be for the rest of my life. The thought kept me in bed most mornings. During that time I had …
BIG NEWS! I just found out that I am a “solopreneur.” Apparently the trend now is to take an adjective that describes what you do/who you are and mash it up with the word ENTREPRENEUR. Example: Solopreneur, Mompreneur, Wantrepreneur. It is what it is, I guess. I read an article this morning on Entrepreneur.com titled The Silent …

“Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen.”
― Gary Hopkins
In this episode, we take a look at how we entrepreneurial types sometimes allow our ego to run roughshod, which can ultimately be detrimental to growing as an individual. It is important that we have a proper understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses, and squash any and all desire to become puffed up in our own minds.
“Poverty was not created by God. It is we who have caused it, you and I through our egotism.”
― Mother Teresa

#podcast #RealPersonRealNeeds
In this episode, I sit down with “The Sultan of Silver” himself, George Bruno. To say that George is a professionally licensed barber is almost like doing him a disservice. I prefer to use the term Renaissance Man. Whether he’s posting videos of beard grooming tips, sharing random insights on father/son relationships and cigars, or simply enjoying a summer evening while listening to Sinatra, George is truly comfortable in his own skin. Something which he uses to his advantage when driving his business. If you are looking for a straight razor shave and a great conversation, George is your guy. But be sure to block out enough time, with George, you can never run out of things to talk about.
#Differentiation #Domination #SultanOfSilver

#Podcast #TheCompanyYouKeep #RealPersonRealNeeds “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffett Many people don’t understand the mind of an entrepreneur. Some write us off as unrealistic or idealistic. That is why it is so important that …

#RealPersonRealNeeds #ShabbyAttic #SecondChances In this episode, I sit down with Karin Wolfle, entrepreneur/artist behind The Shabby Attic in Lansdale, PA. Having left behind a career in the mental health field, Karin decided to pursue her love of fine arts by starting her own business. She soon realized that being an entrepreneur requires a little bit of “crazy,” and …

#RealPersonRealNeeds In this episode, special guest Susan Hirano discusses her transition from being a full-time Real Estate agent to starting her own home-staging business. After moving from Chicago to Pennsylvania, Susan was faced with a decision, hit the reset button on her Real Estate career and work to establish herself as a top agent in a new …