Tag Archives: excuses

020: “What Are You WAITING FOR?! JUST DO IT!” | Prioritization vs. Procrastination

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
020: "What Are You WAITING FOR?! JUST DO IT!" | Prioritization vs. Procrastination

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
― Pablo Picasso

Everyone has the desire to do something big – maybe a dream to be realized. Everyone also has the same 24-hour day and yet one of the biggest excuses people make is that they don’t have the time to pursue their dream and still keep their day job. Dreams require hard work. They require a dedication of our “3 Ts,” our time, talent, and maybe even our treasure. We are happy to use the “3 Ts” on things that have no positive or lasting effect in our own life or in the lives of others, but if we want to make our dreams a reality, we first need to get our priorities in order. First things first, WE NEED TO GET STARTED!

009: Tackling the 900lb. Gorilla of Self-Doubt

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
009: Tackling the 900lb. Gorilla of Self-Doubt

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ― Suzy Kassem In the world of sales, you are always taught various ways to overcome objections. But what if the objections that are impeding your progress are coming from within yourself? In this episode, I delve into the topic of overcoming our own objections to doing big …

002: The Formidable Foe that is the Fear of Failure

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
002: The Formidable Foe that is the Fear of Failure

As humans, we often live in a perpetual state of fear. Unfortunately, we allow this fear to cripple us rather than motivate us. We shield ourselves from failure and remain ignorant rather than embracing it and moving forward with a backpack full of lessons learned. In this episode, Geoff talks about his fears and shares his thoughts on how people should use fear as a catalyst rather than a crutch.