This morning my heart is heavy. I just received news that someone I know passed away. Now, they weren’t a close friend but someone who I have spent a lot of time with over the years. This man volunteered his time as the sound engineer for the local theater group that I work with. What …
BIG NEWS! I just found out that I am a “solopreneur.” Apparently the trend now is to take an adjective that describes what you do/who you are and mash it up with the word ENTREPRENEUR. Example: Solopreneur, Mompreneur, Wantrepreneur. It is what it is, I guess. I read an article this morning on titled The Silent …

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
We were not created to live in isolation. We need others around us in order to thrive and to enjoy life to its fullest. The trouble is that entrepreneurs can sometimes be loners. Since we think differently than most, we tend to not “play well with others.” It is integral to our growth that we not only find people who are like-minded, but that our main motivation in life be to put other’s ahead of ourselves. God said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” so He created us to be in relationship. This is why the only way we can find our true meaning and purpose in life is when we are in community with one another.