Tag Archives: helping others

041: “Mo’ Money. Mo’ Problems.” | Redefining the American Dream

Mo Money Mo Problems \ Redefining the American Dream
Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
041: "Mo' Money. Mo' Problems." | Redefining the American Dream

#money #RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast Many aspiring entrepreneurs motivate themselves by envisioning the extravagant life that awaits them if they succeed. Driving expensive cars, living in luxurious estates, and having grapes peeled for them. It’s the American Dream! But have we gotten it all wrong? Perhaps there is more to life than making tons of money so that we can …

017: Helping Others Beats Helping Yourself…Every Time!

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
017: Helping Others Beats Helping Yourself...Every Time!

In today’s episode, we discuss the importance of shifting our focus off of our own needs and onto the needs of others. By doing this, we lighten our own burden of stress, worry, and anxiety, and the added benefit is that we are better-equipped to lighten the load of another person.

009: Tackling the 900lb. Gorilla of Self-Doubt

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
009: Tackling the 900lb. Gorilla of Self-Doubt

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ― Suzy Kassem In the world of sales, you are always taught various ways to overcome objections. But what if the objections that are impeding your progress are coming from within yourself? In this episode, I delve into the topic of overcoming our own objections to doing big …