“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”
― Henry David Thoreau
#RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast
It is my mission to be authentic and transparent in all of my business activities, and sometimes that means shining a light on some of the deceptive practices that are prevalent within the real estate industry. Admittedly, this approach is not always met with enthusiasm. I don’t often enter a room to the sound of deafening applause, streamers and confetti whirling through the atmosphere, and choruses of “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow…” In fact, as you’ll soon discover, it has sometimes come at the cost of losing out on possible income because I have been unwilling to lie about the value of a home for my own gain. Nonetheless, it is my duty to you and everyone I come in contact with to practice what I preach…to be authentic and generous in a superficial and self-centered world.