In this episode of Discover SPRINGFORD, Geoff sits down with Erin Tobin & Blaine Rodenbaugh of Apothecary Hair Lounge to discuss how they are making a difference in the cosmetic industry by becoming a Green Circle Certified salon. With their motto, Integrity is Everything, Apothecary has made it their mission to use and promote products …
Are you willing to do anything for the sake of fulfilling your dream? Seriously think about that question. A lot of people flippantly say, “I’d kill for that,” and we know it’s hyperbole. But what happens when the path to your dream is lined with opportunities to compromise your core convictions in order to possibly …

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”
― Henry David Thoreau
#RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast
It is my mission to be authentic and transparent in all of my business activities, and sometimes that means shining a light on some of the deceptive practices that are prevalent within the real estate industry. Admittedly, this approach is not always met with enthusiasm. I don’t often enter a room to the sound of deafening applause, streamers and confetti whirling through the atmosphere, and choruses of “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow…” In fact, as you’ll soon discover, it has sometimes come at the cost of losing out on possible income because I have been unwilling to lie about the value of a home for my own gain. Nonetheless, it is my duty to you and everyone I come in contact with to practice what I preach…to be authentic and generous in a superficial and self-centered world.

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” ― Aristotle In my short time in Real Estate I have seen a lot of people who do things the same way that they have always been done. Mainly, because that is what they have been taught from the time they got their license by coaches …

In this episode, I vamp on the idea of putting the REAL in real person. Authenticity and truth are your greatest weapon and your strongest attribute when trying to differentiate yourself from the competition. But forced authenticity is the exact opposite of authenticity. Be Yourself and live with the consequences. I’d rather be myself and sleep at night, than be what other people perceive as the model of success and professionalism.