Tag Archives: isolation

Personal Ad: Lonely Business Owner Seeks Other Lonely Business Owners for Friendship

BIG NEWS! I just found out that I am a “solopreneur.”  Apparently the trend now is to take an adjective that describes what you do/who you are and mash it up with the word ENTREPRENEUR. Example: Solopreneur, Mompreneur, Wantrepreneur. It is what it is, I guess.  I read an article this morning on Entrepreneur.com titled The Silent …

017: Helping Others Beats Helping Yourself…Every Time!

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
017: Helping Others Beats Helping Yourself...Every Time!

In today’s episode, we discuss the importance of shifting our focus off of our own needs and onto the needs of others. By doing this, we lighten our own burden of stress, worry, and anxiety, and the added benefit is that we are better-equipped to lighten the load of another person.