First of all, thanks for reading this post. Many people won’t and that’s fine, but you are and I truly appreciate you for investing in my life and career pursuits. It’s been a bumpy ride at times but the fact that I am documenting every step of my entrepreneurial journey, the highs and the lows, …

If you’ve been following along recently, you know that we have been in the market for a new home and recently went under contract, with a scheduled settlement date of May 8th, 2017. That’s today! Over the course of the last 10 years, we have had some pretty significant life changes every year. Some were by …
Over the last few weeks, I’ve mainly focused on our own internal struggles and insecurities that keep us from taking the necessary steps to better our situation. Our past failures, fear, and overall self-doubt make up just some of the voices that swirl around inside our head and keep our feet nailed to the floor. These voices …
I sometimes get jealous of people who are perfectly content staying where they are. Just being honest. I used to work with people like that. Same boring job for decades, and they seemed genuinely content. Ugh, I loved and hated those people. Why is contentment so elusive for someone like me? I mentioned to my …

“Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.”
―Ray A. Davis
Learning something new takes time. Building a successful business takes time. But in our microwave oven, 140 characters or less society, we don’t like waiting around. Patience is not only a virtue but it is the key to turning your passion into your purpose. Without it, you will constantly be quitting or restarting your journey because you think it is “taking too long.” Time passes at the same speed for everyone, it is our attitude and how we use that time that determines success or failure.

#Podcast #TheCompanyYouKeep #RealPersonRealNeeds “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffett Many people don’t understand the mind of an entrepreneur. Some write us off as unrealistic or idealistic. That is why it is so important that …

In this episode, we discuss how the next step in our journey may not be the final landing spot, but we still need to prepare ourselves for what we can learn and apply so that we are better prepared when the next opportunity comes along. With each step forward and each lesson learned, we are becoming better-equipped to do what we’ve been created to do when the time comes.

“Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” – James Baldwin
As we enter a new year, it is tempting to put the previous one in the rear-view mirror and never look back. In this episode, I discuss how it important that we not forget the journey that has brought us to where we are. In many ways, it can be our compass for the road ahead.