“If I want to still be able to support my family 5 years from now, I can’t ignore the overwhelming evidence that shows that my way of making a living today may not exist 10 years from now.” A lot of people wonder why I spend so much time creating content (The Acting Realtor podcast, …
Yesterday while preparing dinner for my family, I received two phone calls with horrible news. Both of them real estate-related. One of which could have a devastating effect on my family directly. I can’t get into the details now, but let’s just say the information packed a pretty good combination of jab and right hook …
One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …

#money #RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast Many aspiring entrepreneurs motivate themselves by envisioning the extravagant life that awaits them if they succeed. Driving expensive cars, living in luxurious estates, and having grapes peeled for them. It’s the American Dream! But have we gotten it all wrong? Perhaps there is more to life than making tons of money so that we can …
#FridayFun #Lunchtime #Weekend Hey gang, I just finished recording episode #41 of the podcast and it is a doozy! I share some of my views on money, success and the materialism that has intoxicated our country. Yeah, like I said, doozy. But before we tackle the hard topics on Monday, I thought you’d like a something lighthearted …