Some people woke up this morning to the news that somehow, some way, Tom Brady pulled off the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history. Those same people no doubt saw that the Falcons had the game well in hand with the score 28-3 in the 3rd quarter, and either went to bed, or changed the …

I often say to people that I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. They laugh, I laugh, we laugh together. They tell me I’m funny. I deflect the praise and then graciously accept it in my slyly humble way. But in reality, I am DEAD serious. I truly believe that there should be a healthy bit of Peter Pan in all of us. And no, I don’t mean the brand of peanut butter. I’m allergic to peanut butter so having a little bit of that “Peter Pan” in me would have my wife racing for my EpiPen®. I’m talking about the boy who could fly and refused to grow up. I don’t mean we should be immature, but we should be willing to look up at the moon and think that we could one day walk on the face of it.