I like to wear many hats. The trouble is that all it takes is a major life event to knock all of your hats askew. Ok, enough with the hats. I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while, piggy-backing off of my previous post about sacrificing your ego. Now I am someone who …

“I would have it inscribed on the curtains of your bed and the walls of your chamber: ‘If you do not rise early you can make progress in nothing.’” ~William Pitt Chatham
#RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast
I love sleep. LOVE IT! But I am realizing more and more that I need to apply myself and get up early if I want to accomplish my goals each day. More importantly than getting up early, is using the time you have in the morning to get yourself ready mentally, spiritually, and physically for the day ahead.

“There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory.” – Unknown
The 2nd word that will help you turn your passion into your purpose is “Practice.” Once you have laid out a plan and decided what you will need to do, you need to get to work acquiring the skills necessary to successfully achieve your goal. This is the important work that no one sees. The studying. The acquiring of new skills. The writing and rewriting of your mission and vision. Taking lessons. Taking classes. Whatever it is you need to do to improve your skills and knowledge base. It’s time to talk about PRACTICE.
“If you think practice is boring, try sitting on the bench!” – Unknown

“To have meaning, our lives require both passion and purpose. A life without passion is like a furnace without fuel, and without purpose, like a ship without a rudder.” – Mardy Grothe In this episode, we begin a 6-week look at how a person can turn the thing they are most passionate about into a …

In this episode, we discuss how the next step in our journey may not be the final landing spot, but we still need to prepare ourselves for what we can learn and apply so that we are better prepared when the next opportunity comes along. With each step forward and each lesson learned, we are becoming better-equipped to do what we’ve been created to do when the time comes.