Tag Archives: Real Estate

014: Preparing for the Journey- Taking the Necessary Steps to be Ready for the “Next Step”

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
014: Preparing for the Journey- Taking the Necessary Steps to be Ready for the "Next Step"

In this episode, we discuss how the next step in our journey may not be the final landing spot, but we still need to prepare ourselves for what we can learn and apply so that we are better prepared when the next opportunity comes along. With each step forward and each lesson learned, we are becoming better-equipped to do what we’ve been created to do when the time comes.

001: Why I walked away from a steady pay-check

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
001: Why I walked away from a steady pay-check

I wanted to give you a glimpse into my life and work experiences so that you have an idea as to why I decided to forego the comfort and peace of mind of a steady, albeit average, paycheck, to start my own business. In other words, I want to take you inside the mind of a crazy person. I mean seriously, what drives someone to that level of insanity? Going from getting paid every two weeks like clockwork to bungee-jumping without a cord?
Well, I’ll tell you…and hopefully, you will be able to relate to me and my story when you’ve finished listening…

Real Person | Real Needs – Introduction

Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs
Real Person | Real Needs - Introduction

Ever since I started in this industry I have been told that the way business is done in the world of real estate is to basically pester people until they finally either, (1) duck into dark alleys at the very sight of you as to avoid another sales pitch, or (2) concede and decide to work with you. …