I don’t always write about real estate, even though that is how I make my living. But every so often something happens that I feel obligated to write about in an effort to hopefully help distance myself from the deceptive behaviors I see on a regular basis in the real estate industry. Real estate inventory …

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”
― Henry David Thoreau
#RealPersonRealNeeds #podcast
It is my mission to be authentic and transparent in all of my business activities, and sometimes that means shining a light on some of the deceptive practices that are prevalent within the real estate industry. Admittedly, this approach is not always met with enthusiasm. I don’t often enter a room to the sound of deafening applause, streamers and confetti whirling through the atmosphere, and choruses of “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow…” In fact, as you’ll soon discover, it has sometimes come at the cost of losing out on possible income because I have been unwilling to lie about the value of a home for my own gain. Nonetheless, it is my duty to you and everyone I come in contact with to practice what I preach…to be authentic and generous in a superficial and self-centered world.
The Real Estate industry gurus try their best to create cookie-cutter agents who go with the flow and do things the same way as everyone else. It’s comfortable and safe and has worked for years. “Why make things harder for yourself? Stop trying to reinvent the wheel,” they say. “Make your cold-calls, knock on …

Ever since I started in this industry I have been told that the way business is done in the world of real estate is to basically pester people until they finally either, (1) duck into dark alleys at the very sight of you as to avoid another sales pitch, or (2) concede and decide to work with you. …