Well, it happened. It only took a month but my first task and additional expense as a homeowner has shown its jagged teeth and breathed fire into my wallet. The central air system, which we knew was very old, decided to stop working and given the age and poor maintenance by the previous owner, it …
One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …

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In this very special episode, we welcome our first guest on the podcast – Marianne Lynch, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, PA. Marianne shares the mission and vision for HFH, and also outlines her journey to where she is today and why she is so passionate about what she is doing in her community.