Man, time flies when you are having fun. Somehow it’s been 20 days since my last blog post. I’m really sorry about that. As many of you know, I had been struggling recently with finding my place and regaining my confidence. Thankfully, I had my latest theater production to help with that a little. I’m …
I learned something about myself last night. Something I never would’ve admitted unless it hadn’t smacked me in the face. When it comes to my job, I’ve begun to lose sight of what really matters. Let me explain… Before I started my journey into entrepreneurship, I was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of what it would be like …

“We romanticize entrepreneurship so much that people don’t do the work. It’s not just a dream, not just a goal; it’s a lot of hard work. A lot of people are wantrepreneurs, not entrepreneurs.” – Mark Cuban
There are a lot of wantrepreneurs out there. People who have “great ideas” and like spending their time on fake business-y things like designing business cards and logos (I am guilty of this) before they even know what their business is going to be, and putting in the work to get it off the ground. I am convicted by these words even as I write them because unless we (I) are willing to hunt down our dreams by pursuing challenges and prioritizing hard work, we will never take our passion and turn it into our purpose.

Peyton Manning’s career has been the focus of much media attention of late. Specifically whether or not he will decide to hang up his cleats now that he has won his second Super Bowl. In thinking about the fortunate position Manning finds himself, I am reminded that we also should be striving to “go out on top.” Life is not just about arriving safely at death. We should not be counting down the years ’til we can live the good life in Florida. We should be using each day to position ourselves to the most good in the twilight of our life. I have been challenged to rethink the idea of “retirement” and look at how I invest now so that my final years on this earth are some of my most effective in changing the world.