As an #extrovert, I thrive off of human interaction beyond just my immediate family. Since #socialdistancing has put an early end to Discover SPRINGFORD’s 3rd season (only one more pre-recorded episode left featuring @bethanns_flowers on April 5th), I am thinking about starting a #HumansofSpringFord #PeopleofSpringFord #StoriesofSpringFord series where I conference call residents who live in the #springford …
Month: March 2020

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak we have made the decision to shut down production on Season 3 of Discover SPRINGFORD. Our previously recorded podcast with Beth Ann’s Flowers, currently scheduled for Monday, April 6th, will be the final episode of Season 3. We cannot wait to bring more quality content to you in our …
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak we have made the decision to shut down production on Season 3 of Discover SPRINGFORD. Our previously recorded podcast with Beth Ann’s Flowers, currently scheduled for Sunday, April 5th, will be the final episode of Season 3. We cannot wait to bring more quality content to you in our …

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Ed & Sherrie Schoen, the husband & wife team behind Signature Gallery in Royersford Borough. Ed & Sherrie discuss how they first fell in love with woodworking and antiques (and each other), and how that ultimately led them to …
In this episode of Discover SPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Ed & Sherrie Schoen, the husband & wife team behind Signature Gallery in Royersford Borough. Ed & Sherrie discuss how they first fell in love with woodworking and antiques (and each other), and how that ultimately led them to open their …
Hi everyone, I found out last night that due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I, along with almost all of my colleagues, will be placed on indefinite furlough from my job (unemployment with intent to return) at Sight & Sound, effective March 29th. Unfortunately, there is no work from home option for a performer (LOL) and no …

AT THIS POINT, YOU MAY BE THINKING, “WAIT…ISN’T THIS GUY JUST A REALTOR?” I hear you. These ideas may seem crazy to some. That is why I am so thankful for those who have supported me and my business. While my approach may be unconventional at times, I truly believe in building a community of …
Back after 3 long weeks with this MEGA episode! In the longest episode of the #ActingRealtor to date, I enter the final weeks of rehearsal as we near the #worldpremiere of #QueenEsther2020 at #SightandSoundTheatres, while the entire world grinds to a halt in an unprecedented time of panic over the #CoronaVirus

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Katy Comber and Patty Kline Capaldo, co-founders of the not-for-profit writers’ room Creative Light Factory, located inside the Spring City Mill Studios. Katy and Patty discuss their personal stories, and share how their mutual love for writing inspired them …
In this episode of Discover SPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Katy Comber and Patty Kline Capaldo, co-founders of the not-for-profit writers’ room Creative Light Factory, located inside the Spring City Mill Studios. Katy and Patty discuss their personal stories, and share how their mutual love for writing inspired them to open …

One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …

I always try to hit potential clients with the hard truth upfront in order to set appropriate expectations. Unfortunately, sometimes it is an ugly truth and people don’t want to hear it. But I always caution people, when it comes to real estate, be watchful for those who tell you everything you want to hear. …