I have tried to keep it at bay, but it seems my closeted love for professional wrestling can be kept secret no more. And since I don’t really have anyone to share my wrestling fandom with, I decided to start a side podcast where I can share my thoughts on the WWE. As I prepare …

In this week’s episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato chats with Spring City Borough Mayor Dona Kern. We discuss her history of involvement in the Spring City community serving alongside her husband at First United Church of Christ and what led her to run for Mayor of her hometown. For more info visit the links below: https://www.facebook.com/SpringCityBorough/http://www.springcitypa.gov/https://www.facebook.com/mayordona.kern.7/ If you enjoy #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, be …

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato chats with long-time friend, George Bruno. George operates as a barber in the Spring-Ford community out of the Alura Salon in Oaks, PA. But to say that George is a professionally licensed barber is almost like doing him a disservice. Whether he’s traveling the world as a …

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes Schuylkill County native and Royersford transplant Russell Joy. Russell works as a teacher by day, and credentialed sports journalist and podcaster for the Crossing Broad network by night. Russell shares his life story as well as his love for Philadelphia sports and professional wrestling. …

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes Mark Shumaker. Mark is a Linfield, PA resident and the owner of Anchor Court properties in the Riverwalk at Royersford Borough. He’s also a business partner of Birdies Kitchen in Spring City Borough as well as an active participant in the Save The Trestle …

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato chats with Royersford Borough Councilwoman Alex Metricarti. Alex currently serves as Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer for Living Branches retirement community in the Lansdale area. She shared her story of growing up on a farm in Michigan, what led her to Royersford and how …

In this episode of #HumansOfSPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato welcomes entrepreneur and Main Street Royersford and RoyersfordApartments property owner Brad Sinrod. Brad shared his experience in investing in Main Streets before, what initially attracted him to Royersford, and why he sees exciting opportunities for growth and revitalization in the “twin boroughs.” https://www.facebook.com/mainstroyersford/https://www.facebook.com/royersfordapartments/ If you …

Join me for the inaugural #HumansOfSPRINGFORD with my friend and Spring City Borough resident Gary Brown. Gary and I met at the Spring-Ford Rotary Club visitor’s luncheon a few years back. Gary works for Revamp 365 as a creative problem solver and matchmaker for real estate investors and people who own distressed properties. He and his wife …

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak we have made the decision to shut down production on Season 3 of Discover SPRINGFORD. Our previously recorded podcast with Beth Ann’s Flowers, currently scheduled for Monday, April 6th, will be the final episode of Season 3. We cannot wait to bring more quality content to you in our …

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Ed & Sherrie Schoen, the husband & wife team behind Signature Gallery in Royersford Borough. Ed & Sherrie discuss how they first fell in love with woodworking and antiques (and each other), and how that ultimately led them to …

AT THIS POINT, YOU MAY BE THINKING, “WAIT…ISN’T THIS GUY JUST A REALTOR?” I hear you. These ideas may seem crazy to some. That is why I am so thankful for those who have supported me and my business. While my approach may be unconventional at times, I truly believe in building a community of …

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host, Geoffrey Desiato, sits down with Katy Comber and Patty Kline Capaldo, co-founders of the not-for-profit writers’ room Creative Light Factory, located inside the Spring City Mill Studios. Katy and Patty discuss their personal stories, and share how their mutual love for writing inspired them …

One of the things that I strive to communicate to my clients is the importance of understanding the transaction from the “opposing” side. I use that word not in an adversarial way, but simply because it is accurate. The sellers and buyers are at opposite ends of the settlement table, but one of my jobs …

I always try to hit potential clients with the hard truth upfront in order to set appropriate expectations. Unfortunately, sometimes it is an ugly truth and people don’t want to hear it. But I always caution people, when it comes to real estate, be watchful for those who tell you everything you want to hear. …

In this episode of the Discover SPRINGFORD podcast, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato sits down with Jennifer Becht of All That Jazz Dancewear to discuss her love for dance, her career as both a performer and teacher, and what led her to ultimately open her own business providing apparel for those who share her passion. …

Chapter Summary: I don’t always talk about real estate, even though that is how I supported myself for the majority of the last 5 years. But every so often something happens that I feel obligated to write about in an effort to hopefully help distance myself from the deceptive behaviors I see on a regular …

Chapter Summary: If I want to still be able to support my family 5 years from now, I can’t ignore the overwhelming evidence that shows that my way of making a living today may not exist 10 years from now. Netflix, Amazon, Uber, and AirBnB all disrupted their respective industries by going direct-to-consumer and cutting …

Chapter Summary: What I was told when I got into Real Estate is that you need to spend two hours a day on the phone with your sphere of influence, asking them for referrals…begging essentially. But we couldn’t let them know that we were begging, Oh no. We had to be “providing value.” That’s why …

In this episode of Discover SPRINGFORD, #ActingRealtor and host Geoffrey Desiato sits down with personal trainer Dave Stetler and his wife, Adrienne, of F5 Fitness & Sports. This husband and wife team share their professional and spiritual journeys that led them to where they are today, investing in the Spring-Ford area with their personal training …